Below is selection of publications that I have written or co-written, please click on the underlined link to download and read:
The follow-up to A Glass Half-Full: How An Asset Approach Can Improve Community Health and Well-Being' Foot, J. 2012
The much downloaded and widely praised introduction to asset based working for pubic health practitioners and community activists: Foot & Hopkins. IDEA Healthy Communities April 2010.
ISBN 978-0-7488-9080-4
A series of articles on outer city estates and the prospects of residents and their communities. It proposes a ‘whole system’ approach encompassing economic, governance and social capital elements of regeneration: Foot, Jones & Yarnit: joint editors of a Special Series in New Start (March – June 2010) The future of outer city estates
Drawing on the findings of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation's Governance and Public Services research programme, it outlines the challenges and dilemmas for local partners, central government, councillors, staff and communities. It looks at how citizens are involved, how they influence decisions and how diversity and population change affect citizen and community involvement: Foot J. Citizen Involvement in Governance. JRF June 2009
The following two reports are from a JRF funded research project exploring the challenges to be addressed if government policies to promote community engagement are to be genuinely inclusive of newcomers as well as more established communities: Mayo with Blake, Diamond, Foot, Gidley, Shukra & Yarnit. Journal of Social Intervention: Theory & Practice 2008 – Volume 18, Issue 1, pp 23-43.
Blake, Diamond, Foot, Gidley, Mayo, Shukra & Yarnit. JRF June 2008
The report from a five day event bringing together participants from the UK and 14 other countries to discuss strengthening citizen participation in local government: Foot with Dunn, Gaventa & Zipfel. International learning event report May-June 2007. IDS 2008
Reflections from 30 years of experience of community development and the lessons for current initiatives to empower communities: Edited Benington, de Groot & Foot. SOLACE Foundation Imprint Publications, Nov 2006